A home is much more than a roof over your head

Loans for Homeowners

Craft3 has served homeowners across Oregon and Washington for more than twenty years.

a man in a pink shirt standing in a kitchen

A home is much more than a roof over your head. Our loans let you invest in yours to repair or replace a failing septic system.

Strengthening Homes

Accessible financing that lets you realize dreams and respond to crises.

Working in Partnership

To deliver impactful financing, we partner with government agencies, utilities, and community groups.

Lending for the Future

Our loans help households and communities, support local economies, and safeguard the environment we all depend on.

Loans for Homeowners

What Makes Craft3 Different?

We’re a community development financial institution (CDFI) – not a bank. We use capital and financial tools to enable homeowners to invest in their homes so they can build a better future.

Community crafted lending

We’re a nonprofit mission-driven lender focused on doing what’s best for our customers and communities.

Meeting customers where they are

We don’t push products. Instead, we take the time to get to know you and understand your situation.

Sound advice and help when you need it

We empower our customers by providing resources and advice, in addition to capital.

a group of people standing on top of a roof

Septic system repairs are often urgent, unexpected, and costly. If neglected, a failing septic system can force homeowners out of their homes and contaminate local waters. Craft3 Clean Water Loans help homeowners streamline repairs and prevent costly system failures.

Customer Stories

Un nuevo sistema séptico para un pedacito de paraíso

Amber e Isaac viven en una casa de madera en una hermosa propiedad de 8 acres con vistas al Monte Hood. Como muchos residentes rurales, tienen un sistema séptico y cuando el suyo empezó a fallar, se encontraron ante un gasto importante. Pagar de su bolsillo no era una opción. Buscaron en Google “préstamo séptico”, encontraron Craft3 y obtuvieron un Préstamo para Aguas Limpias que les permitió instalar un sistema completamente nuevo.


Making A Difference

In 2022, Craft3 made more than 600 consumer loans, totaling more than $15 million.

Our Team

“I love numbers! But I never forget that behind every application I review there’s a person that deserves careful and personalized attention.”

Nicole Gerke
Consumer Credit Underwriter, VP