Craft3 staff works remotely and out of physical offices across Oregon and Washington. You can contact us by any of the methods listed below. If you’d like to visit us in-person, please call first or use the form below to make an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!
Business Hours:
Monday through Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm PT
Mailing a payment to our general mailing address may result in delays in posting your payment to your account. Please use the mailing addresses below for all payments.
Overnight Payments:
Lockbox Services 003914
18035 Sperry Drive
Tukwila, WA 98188
Regular Payments:
PO Box 3914
Seattle, WA 98124
Regular payments can be sent by U.S. Postal Service to our Regular payments address.
Time sensitive payments should be sent by FedEx or UPS to our Overnight payments address. This reduces the chance of a delay.
Once we receive a payment, we will post it to your account within one business day.