Our clean water loans help hundreds of Oregon homeowners annually.
Borrow the entire cost of eligible design, permitting and installation. Lower interest rates for qualified lower-income borrowers.
No up-front loan fees or pre-payment penalties. Perfect credit not required. Competitive interest rates.
Make automated payments directly from your bank account.
We have helped hundreds of Oregon homeowners repair or replace their septic systems, stay in their homes, and keep local waters clean. We answer your questions, help you every step of the way, and troubleshoot any challenges. We look forward to working with you!
This program is made possible by funding from the Oregon legislature and is administered in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Additional information about the DEQ Onsite Septic Program is available on its website.
If you live in Oregon, you may be eligible to borrow up to the full cost of your septic repair or replacement. In addition, one of the following must apply:
* Loan availability, terms, and conditions current as of 01.01.25 and are subject to change. Examples include financing of $650 Craft3 loan fee and $166 recording fee. All loan applications are subject to credit, property, and project approval. Maximum loan amounts apply and are subject to equity value and underwriting requirements for all programs. A UCC-1A filing is recorded with the county for all secured loans. Unsecured loans are subject to approval. Subordination may be available with lender approval, fees may apply. Loan must be repaid in full on sale, transfer, refinance, or maturity.
** Requires 20% contingency for potential change orders and a $2,000 Operations and Maintenance Reserve to fund health and maintenance of upgrade throughout the life of the loan (“O&M”). Maximum loan amount for unsecured loans is $25,000 + O&M and 20% contingency.
*** AMI means Area Median Income as defined by HUD: https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/il.html
**** APR, Annual Percentage Rate based on example loan criteria.
Craft3 supports homeowners every step of the way. Here's how it works.
Our online application is user-friendly and we’re standing by to help.
Work with your contractor to design your system, receive permits and finalize project cost.
NOTE: Your contractor must be approved by the Department of Environmental Quality to conduct septic system replacement work. Contact your local health jurisdiction for a list of approved contractors.
Securely sign your electronic loan documents. By request, document signing is also available by mail.
When your loan documents are signed, a deposit will be released to your contractor to initiate your project.
Repay your loan with automated payments from your bank account.
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Onsite Wastewater Management Program.
Searchable database of Licensed Onsite System Installer and Pumper Businesses.
Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program in Oregon, Rural Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Amber and Isaac live in a log home on a beautiful 8-acre property with views of Mount Hood. Like many rural residents they have a septic system and when theirs began to fail, they found themselves facing a major expense. Paying out of pocket was not an option. They Googled “septic loan,” found Craft3, and secured a Clean Water Loan that let them install a brand-new system.
When you repay your loan, we use that money to make other loans. This allows us to serve more homeowners. Over time, this makes a big difference for communities, local economies and the environment.
"I was drawn to Craft3 when I realized I could use my experience in lending at a company focused less on profit margins and more on making immediate and lasting impacts in local lives and communities."